How do I report a concern about Abuse?
We’re committed to preventing abuse and responding promptly when abuse is suspected. All calls concerning worries about a child, young person or adult who may be at risk of harm are treated seriously.
If you suspect a person is at immediate risk of harm call 999 and speak to the Police.
If you have been or still are the victim of abuse, or you know someone who you think is being abused, contact your local Safeguarding Team:
To report concerns about an adult at risk in RCT call: 01443 425 003
To report concerns about an adult at risk in Bridgend call: 01656 642477
To report concerns in Merthyr Tydfil call: 01685 725 000
Opening Hours:
Monday – Thursday 8.30am – 5.00pm
Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm
Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays Closed
Out of Hours Emergencies:
To contact social care services outside office hours, at weekends and bank holidays, contact:
Cwm Taf Morgannwg Emergency Duty Team on 01443 743665
(this covers RCT, Merthyr Tydfil and Bridgend.)
To report crime or anti-social behaviour, to contact your local police station or to get police assistance in a non-emergency dial 101.
What will happen if I raise a concern?
If you contact your local Safeguarding team, you will be asked for relevant information about the person you are concerned for. You will be asked what you heard or saw. Information will then be shared on a “need to know” basis, but you will be kept informed about who has to be told – for example, the Police if a crime may have been committed, or concerns can be reported anonymously.
Together all relevant agencies will work with the person who may be being abused, to establish what has happened, and what action the person would like to be taken next. Work will also be done with the alleged abuser, and different options will be explored which will prevent, reduce or stop further abuse from happening.
If you report abuse to us we:
- take your concerns seriously
- deal with the matter sensitively
- make sure the person is safe
- investigate the situation fully
‘If you see something, say something’
Report a Concern
To report concerns about a child in RCT call:
01443 425 006
To report concerns about an adult at risk in RCT call:
01443 425 003
To report concerns in Merthyr Tydfil call:
01685 725 000
To report concerns about adults at risk in Bridgend call:
01656 642477
To report concerns about children at risk in Bridgend call:
01656 642320
Emergency Out of hours contact number:
01443 743 665
More Information